A Paragraph A Day

Alcoholics Anonymous Online Big Book Study

Welcome Friend!

My name is Kira, I am an Alcoholic. The information in the Alcoholics Anonymous Book has taught me a new way of living. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned from reading and discussing this book. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to Alcohol, Drugs, Sugars, Foods, Compulsive Behavours, Emotions, or anything else that comes to mind, I hope you will read this book and discuss it with others who have done the same.

It works if you work it, so work it youre worth it. 


One Day At A Time

Beginning February 1, 2023 we will post one paragraph each day to our website in a blog style format.  The new Paragraph will automatically be posted each day, there will be a comment from myself and a discussion space for everyone to comment if they choose. 

We hope you will join us for the discussion!  Learn all about how this study of the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book works here.

Book Study

One Paragraph At A Time

We are in no way connected to or affiliated in any way with the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.  We are simply a group of people who have read this book and enjoy discussing the solutions found in the pages.
© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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