Forever Bee

Lyl giving me a Honey & Yogurt Face Mask

A little message

Before you go shopping...

Thank you in advance for taking the time to look through my site, and checking out the links below! Your time is very valuable and I feel honored you are choosing to spend it with me. I want you to know:

Most links will redirect you to

I am the Owner of Forever Bee. My daughters are often helping us, especially with product and recipe sampling! By shopping with Forever Bee you are helping keep a fantastic local business stay open which in turn keeps me employed. My family and I love being a part of Forever Bee and we are so excited to share the things we love with you. 

My Forever Bee Story

It started at Markets!

I had the pleasure of meeting Annanie and Matt (Forever Bee Owners & Beekeepers) at the Lethbridge Farmers Market. At the time I owned my own company staffing trade show booths for various vendors. Annanie and Matt were coming down to Lethbridge from Okotoks often at the time. We got to know each other and in time our connection grew! 

My official title now is Owner. Annanie and Matt sold the comany to me July 2022. I am blessed to be able to work primarily at home. I get to be a part of my family and help our business grow. It's  fantastic balance for us!

The girls got to visit me while working at an event one day! Always fun to include the family!

My Favourite Items

I use these the most.

My Honey Stash Looks like this! Show me yours!

Apple Pie Honey

3kg Pail




50 Pack Assorted Flavours


Bee Pollen

1lb Glass Jar


Liquid Wildflower Honey

3kg Pail *Seasonal*


Fern Pillar Candle

6" x 2.5" Beeswax Candle



Honey Vinegars

550ml Glass Bottle


The Recipes!

Experimenting is the best part.

Contact Me

I'm Online!

Lethbridge AB Canada



© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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