Blueberry, Kiwi & Chia Seeds Yogurt Parfait


A happy snack with pretty colours!

My favourite thing about this recipe, is that you can change up the fruits, grains and seeds for a different snack every time.


  • Yogurt (Plain or Flavoured)
  • Chopped Kiwi
  • Fresh Blueberries
  • Honey (Try different flavours!)
  • Chia Seeds
  • Bee Pollen
  • Oats
  • Matcha (Flavoured Works Great!)


  1. In the serving bowl of your choice, layer all of the ingredients. I like to start with yogurt, then fruits, then nuts and pollen.
  2. Serve with a spoon
  3. Share a photo with me too!

Lets talk about this recipe!

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Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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