Bubbly Tea Smoothie


Little bit of this, little bit of that, blend it together and drink it all up. 

Every smoothie we make is a little different. I absolutely love that we can put whatever we want into a blender, whir it around and out pops a magical drink. The kids think they are getting a special treat and mom knows some kind of nutrients are getting into them!

Here's how we made it this time:



  1. Brew two pot of tea scoops of Orange Berry Bubbly Tea in about 1 cup or so of water (any extras can be drank as regular Bubbly Tea or used in more recipes like this Forever Bee Homemade Apple Sauce. Let the tea sit for 10 or more minutes for extra bold flavouring. 
  2. Combine all yogurt in a blender & enjoy. 
  3. Pour all of your leftovers into popsicle molds for tomorrow.  


Typically when we make a smoothie it never turns out the same as last time. Letting the kids pick helps to keep them entertained and feeling like they have a say over what goes into their bodies. They get to experiment with their choices, try things out. 

Leave the decision making to the kids!

It's hard not to intervene and remind them they didn't like that ingredient last time, or limit what goes into things. Sometimes it's good for me to help moderate as there's still lots of things they don't really know (like what happens if you add 1/2 a jug of milk to your smoothie). The more I include the girls and let them learn at their own pace the more they learn about their own preferences. 

Lets talk about this recipe!

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Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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