Cinnamon Peach Pie Tea


Sweet and simple drink, its like pie without any of the calories!

If you like peach pie you will love this simple recipe for Cinnamon Peach Pie Tea! It's as tasty as a real peach pie without any of the calories or sugar highs! 

Here's how we made it this time:



  1. Steep the two teas together in hot water for 3 minutes. 
  2. Stir in 1 tsp of honey or your desired sweetener. 
  3. Enjoy.


Rooibos teas tend to be really fine and often the bits will sneak out of my reusable infuser. I prefer to steep this recipe in a steeping sack. There is no harm in drinking the rooibos leaf, I just personally don't like floaties in my drinks.

It's encouraged to have a second cup!

Rooibos tea is often strong enough for longer steeps or multiple steeps! Save your tea bag for a second cup. Pu'erh tea is often better when steeped for shorter periods, and only one time. For this recipe you can use two Steeping Sacks, one for the Peach Tea and one for the Cinnamon, save the peach after the first cup, add some new cinnamon for the second cup!


This recipe is also great with a 1/2 tsp Peach Lemonade Multi Vitamin Booster

Lets talk about this recipe!

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Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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