Forever Bee is Closing


It is with an extremely heavy heart that I share the news of Forever Bee closing. I have been grateful to be a part of this company for 5 years now. I have grown a lot in this time as a person and as a manager.  The decision to close our doors this spring was not taken lightly. 

We are choosing to close gracefully and encourage everyone to stock up with everything you need to keep going for a little while.  I will continue to support our Forever Bee community for as long as I can. Annanie and Matt will also welcome the community to stay alive and follow along through the newsletters. 

This is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. I am so grateful that you are here on the journey too. I look forward to sharing what is next with you!

Stock up the Pantry!

Forever Bee sales are going to stay open until the end of May 2022 or until we sell out, whatever comes first. Please use the links below to shop right on or contact me to get your orders in. 

It's no secret I am crazy about the products Forever Bee has. I have been using them for 5 years now and wish I could keep going forever. Head on over to my Forever Bee Feature Page to see why I love this company and some of my Favourite Products we have. 

What's Next?

My Plans....

... are still being made. I am going to stay with Forever Bee to help close up Business and say farewell to all my favourite customers. I am a mom to two quickly growing kids and can keep myself busy doing that for sure! 

I love my role with Sipology and am looking forward to having more space (mostly mentally) to grow what I have started. The girls and I still love to experiment in the kitchen and will continue to do so!

Right now I do not have any dreams of another 'job' to have cash flow. I like the flexibility of being home with the kids, and having a life that rolls with my interests. I would love to know of opportunities available and am keeping my eye on job postings just incase the coolest job ever comes about. 

Smart Choices Sipology

Shop Sipology

I'm in LOVE with Loose Leaf Teas. Drinking a nice warm beverage on a cool day or a fruity icy drink on a hot day. There's a beverage for EVERY occasion. 

There's lots of reasons to shop with Sipology and I'm sure you'll find your own. Check out this feature page I have with my favourite products and this month's exclusive offers!

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© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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