Smart Choices Goals - February 2022


Have you ever been asked why you work? 

The seemingly obvious answer is for the money. But why? What do you really want to have the money for? Deep dive down into the specifics for a bit. 

I have a goal to be financially free. I would like to pay off the car, credit cards and line of credit. Then I'll tackle the mortgage. When our family has released the tensions and stress of 'keeping up with the bills' I believe we can truly live the life we want having fun adventures all the time with the funds we earned to do so. 

Being financially independent for me means that we can buy any groceries we choose, not just the necessary things in the budget. We can attend all the functions and outings we want for as many days as we choose in a row. Not rationing our outings because we can only afford one this paycheck. We can spoil our loved ones when we see a gift we think they should have. We can take the Grandparents out for dinner because we could all use a night out of the kitchen. 

Being financially independent means my thoughts will change. My feelings will change. My life will change. 

Your order helps me get there! Thank you. This month is a stepping stone to bigger things, I'm still new, learning and have a lot of roles I fill. My Sipology goals are to make $1000 in sales this month and book 4 parTEAs for next month. 

Why do you work? What do you realllllly want? 

Budgeting Helps

You Need A Budget - YNAB

I do believe there is power in awareness. I learned how to budget a few times in my life. This most recent attempt at learning it, I discovered how to watch my spending habits and adjust as needed. 

You Need A Budget is a great app that you can use to watch your spending and budget ONLY the money you HAVE. Not the money coming on Friday or next week. 
Learning how to live within my means is really challenging when there are options available like Over Draft and Credit cards. 
Use the link below to get one extra free month!

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Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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