Hawaiian Pineapple Sangria


Simple and fruity delight to enjoy on a Friday night.

Friday's here!! A lot of us are thinking about what beverage we are going to enjoy from the comfort of our couches tonight!! Did you know Sipology has a big beautiful collection of Sangria supplies?!

Here's a simple recipe for your Friday night at home.



  1. Add the Hawaiian Pineapple Sangria, Fruit Tea and hot water to your Teacanter. Let steep until it reaches room temperature (add a few ice cubes to hurry it along if you wish).
  2. Add wine, give your Teacanter a swirl to blend the flavors and enjoy!

Pro tip: glass and hot water are tricky! When adding hot or boiling water to your Teacanter make sure the glass is not super cold first. This will cause cracking and breaking. Try giving your Teacanter a little warm water bath before making this recipe or steep the tea in a mug first and add together.

Lets talk about this recipe!

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Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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