Paragraph A Day Book Study Introduction


*Smart Choices CommuniTEA, our website, team and users are in no way affiliated with the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. We are simply here to read and discuss the solutions of a new way of living as discussed in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. All passages from the book are directly copied, never edited. All comments around the passage are simply the opinions of the person who wrote them.*

The Alcoholics Anonymous Book, also known as The Big Book of AA, has come to be known as a basic text for life. Many people have read the messages in this book, discussed them with other like minded individuals, and put the suggestions to use in their own lives.   On this site we will walk through the Big Book together. One paragraph at a time, every day until we have completed the book. This will give us time to read, and learn and practice these principles in all of our affairs. 


One Day At A Time

Life happens one day at a time, so does our book study!

Every day at Midnight (12am MST) a new paragraph will be posted for us to discuss. We are using the 4th Edition of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous as it is the most recent version released. 

We encourage sharing your thoughts around the topic of the day, doing your best to stay focused on the solution. How does the daily reading keep you connected to living in sobriety today? 


FEBRUARY 1, 2023!


Free help is available

If you or someone you know might have a problem with Alcohol or any other substances, we strongly encourage you to reach out to one of the many FREE resources available. To learn more about the program of Alcoholics Anonymous that accompanies the book we are discussing please visit their website to learn more and find AA near you. 


I'm really glad you popped by today. Leave us a message so we know you were here. 

Smart Choices CommuniTEA

© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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