Spring & Summer Sipology Catalog Launch


Wahooo!!!! Winter is slowly creeping away and the sunny days are ahead of us! I am so excited to be announcing this new catalog with a TON of brand new products that are going to make your taste buds tingle! I hope you'll join along for the Launch ParTEA

Join the Launch ParTEA

To celebrate this new launch I am hosting a virtual launch ParTEA on Friday afternoon! Join along from wherever you are as I share some exciting announcements! There will be some giveaways, promos and more!

You can join me on the platform of your choice or both! For this event I will keep the content the same in both groups. 

Take a peek at the new catalog here:

Host your own ParTEA

Did you know as a host of a Sipology ParTEA you get exclusive access to host only rewards AND A SHOPPING SPREE!!!!

What is hosing a ParTEA like?

I create a Telegram or Facebook Group, or we meet in person somewhere. We invite all of your friends, and encourage them to invite their friends. 
I plan all the activities and posts for the event. All you have to do is show up!

Once all of your friends have ordered, you get your host rewards based on the total of things ordered at the ParTEA. You can host ParTEAs as often as you like. If you really love hosting parTEAs you might even enjoy becoming a consultant! I can help you learn to do what I do. No experience necessary!

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© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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