Starting Fresh


Wow, Life sure has been crazy lately!  I have felt completely blocked from being able to spend time with my online community. I haven't had much nice to say out loud and have been having a hard time focusing enough to get any content made for my pages.  I noticed lately I was feeling a little lost and struggling to connect with my goals and interests in life. It's a long road to discovering what those things are going to be for the next chapter in my life. In the meantime, I used to enjoy creating and maintaining websites. Over time, other life things happened and my hobbies got dropped. I'd love to keep this hobby of mine active all the time, it can be a really healthy creative outlet for myself. 

I've got so many ideas for things to add to this site, I would love to know more about what you would like to see! Use the poll below to share some feedback or contact us with your ideas.

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© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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