Telegram Group


Eeep I am so excited to be announcing this Telegram Channel & Group!

Why Telegram?

Telegram allows me to put out notifications on my channel similar to a news feed. I can post about the exciting things we have going on, special offers and giveaways! 

Telegram is private so I can share secret insider business things like extra special deals that are exclusively for my shoppers. 

With my Telegram Channel being private you can feel safer know it's just the Smart Choices CommuniTEA information you are seeing. There's no spammers or funky business. 

What about those other platforms?

I will still continue to use Facebook for events and notices as needed. I'm not quite ready to close all that down. The Facebook Groups and Events may not house all of the information. I am committed to posting  in Telegram and on my website and I'm just in the mood to prioritize the other platforms after my experience using them for many bus

inesses over the years. 

Even Pinterest?

Okay, I've got to admit, I kinda like Pinterest. It's like a visual search engine. If you haven't checked it out, I highly recommend it. Presently the business is still minimally active on there again because I haven't taken the time to learn or do otherwise. I would really love to see more of my content on there though. 

I have an opinion on this topic!

GREAT!!! Jump on into Telgram to chat about it or Contact Me Directly

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Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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