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Starting Fresh


Wow, Life sure has been crazy lately! I have felt completely blocked from being able to spend time with my online community. I haven't had much nice to say out loud and have been having a hard time focusing enough to get any content made for my pages. I noticed lately I was feeling a little lost and struggling...

It is with an extremely heavy heart that I share the news of Forever Bee closing. I have been grateful to be a part of this company for 5 years now. I have grown a lot in this time as a person and as a manager. The decision to close our doors this spring was not taken lightly.

Wahooo!!!! Winter is slowly creeping away and the sunny days are ahead of us! I am so excited to be announcing this new catalog with a TON of brand new products that are going to make your taste buds tingle! I hope you'll join along for the Launch ParTEA

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© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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