
You've got to try these !

Be the first to try what's new!

From drinks to snacks, baked goods and more. We are always on the hunt for a delicious recipe.

Drink Up

Here are our favourite drinks!


Baked together as a family!


Indulge your inner Cookie Monster

Parfaits & Bowls

Our go-to fulfilling breakfast favourites


I like to eat all day long.

Submit a Recipe!

It would make me the happiest if you shared a recipe with me! I'm always on the hunt for something new to try! Follow the link to see all the ways we can take recipe submissions!

Shop With Me!

Please & Thank You

Forever Bee

We provide raw, unpasteurized honey, pure unfiltered beeswax and a wide selection of products made with those great products. We love connecting with nature and our community. I hope you'll join us.

© 2022 Smart Choices with Kira.
Lethbridge Alberta Canada
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